Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 01983 721264
Next high tide: Sat (4.29m)

Average racing results for individual helmsmen

Table shows average number of points for all races started in 2011.

show all | combine results | last 10 | reset

Non-Dart 15 races

Position Helm Average Races
1st Ryan Tulloch 1.333 6
2nd Verity Baird 1.958 6
3rd Lily Giles 3.15 5
4th Brandon Holmberg 3.35 5
5th Robert Kettlety 3.5 2
6th Amy Jones 4.667 3

Qualification is 1 race start in 2011.

Dart 15 races

Position Helm Average Races
1st Paul Grattage 2.155 55
2nd Sean McKenna 2.575 30
3rd Erling Holmberg 3.151 63
4th Keith Newnham 3.285 36
5th Geoff Howlett 3.631 21
6th Simon Giles 3.797 37
7th Liam Thom 4.718 70
8th Stuart Dyer 5.917 24
9th John Shenton 5.952 31
10th Stuart Pierce 6.402 46
11th Christine Roman 6.476 21
12th Mark Pritchard 6.833 36
13th Andrew Cavaciuti 7.938 16
14th Bob Baker 8.103 29
15th Ian Bolton 9.188 16
16th Alan Howie-Wood 9.2 35
17th Phil Davies 11.273 11

Qualification is 10 race starts in 2011. *

Disqualifications and non-finishes all contribute to the results. "Average Points", non-starts and non-competes are not counted.

Time Trial, Baker Challenge Series and Pursuit Series (2018 onwards) results are excluded from these results.

* Before June 1st averages will be shown for people with 5 starts or more. On June 1st and after, 10 starts are required to be displayed in Dart 15 races.

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


01983 721264
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© Shanklin Sailing Club MMVI - MMXXIV

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Shanklin Sailing Club